Climate Defenders:


Who we are

Climate Defenders is a multigenerational and multiracial action home rising up against the oil industry destroying our planet and our communities. 

For generations, oil CEOs and the bank executives that finance them have prioritized profits over the well-being of our planet and its people. They pollute our air, poison our water, and dump toxins into our neighborhoods.

As Climate Defenders, we are fighting to end the fossil fuel industry and build a new future with good jobs, clean water, safe air, and a better future for our families. Join us!

OUr mission

We must dismantle the fossil fuel industry to clear the way for our vision of a livable future. Dismantling the fossil fuel industry will completely transform the world economy.

The Problem:

We’re fighting against giants.

We’re up against one of the most powerful industries in the world: the oil and gas industry. It will be the battle of our lifetimes, but our futures depend on it. 

The people we are fighting against rely on apathy, fear, and division to maintain their power stranglehold on our economy but together we can dismantle their stronghold on the economy, protect our planet, and reclaim our future.

By mobilizing our resources, voices, and determination, we will hold these companies accountable for the devastation they have caused. We will dismantle their stronghold on our economy, environment, and future.

Our economy has allowed fossil fuel bosses to profit from the destruction of our communities. It’s no accident that fossil fuels are extracted, refined, and burned primarily in communities of color and Indigenous lands. Our people get sick and die and the fossil fuel bosses get richer. 

At Climate Defenders, we are joining the millions of people across the world who are rising up to put an end to the fossil fuel industry to create a world where our planet and every single one of us thrive.

Change doesn’t happen alone – our partners make us stronger:

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Take Action!

We fight for a better tomorrow.

We all deserve a livable future. We are fighting for a #FossilFreeFuture where clean energy is accessible to all, where communities thrive and flourish, and where our planet is restored to its rightful balance.

We will fight for a clean and equitable economy that works for all.  An economy that provides good-paying jobs, clean air,  water, public transportation, and a livable future.

Imagine a world where clean, renewable energy fuels our homes, where our air is pure and our communities thrive. Instead of climate chaos, we need a future where Indigenous communities regain sovereignty over the lands they have protected for generations, relatives around the globe live in safety from rising seas, and cities where people move about easily on affordable, clean transit. 

This vision is within reach, and together, we will make it a reality. We’ve been here before. Time and again, we’ve rallied together across different races, backgrounds, and beliefs to solve big problems and build a better future for our children. 

The Climate Defenders movement is about more than just fighting back—it's about building a sustainable future for all.

Our Path to victory:

Climate Defenders are willing to push forward with the energy and force it takes to end the era of the fossil fuel industry and build a livable future that leaves no one behind. Here’s how we win:

Organize and build power.

Change Finance, change the future.

POwerful ACtions, Bold Impact.

Ending fossil fuels. period.